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Sunday 12 February 2012

R.I.P Whitney Houston...

Today it was revealed to the world the extremely surprising & upsetting news that Whitney Houston has passed. She was a true iconic superstar and I grew up listening to my big sisters singing along to “I will always love you”….which soon became my all-time favourite Whitney Houston song. She was a true inspiration and I decided to dedicate this blog post for her for the simple reason being she should be remembered for her talents & her amazing work not the scandals surrounding her life.

On a separate note I would also like to add many people are using Whitney Houston’s passing as an excuse to highlight the fact that innocent people die every day in wars, famine, poverty and yet we don’t remember them… I don’t think this is very appropriate! Them poor people are in my thoughts & prayers everyday however today is about respecting and remembering Whitney Houstons memory and I’m eagerly anticipating Jennifer Hudsons tribute to her on todays Grammy’s.

Here a few of my fave tweets also :) 

R.I.P Whitney Houston <3 xoxo

Thank you for reading guys….till next time..

MissZirraH xoxo

Saturday 4 February 2012

Kevin Murphy Color Bug Review...

So I have recently become slightly obsessed with bright colours. My hair is naturally jet black which I cannot stand because I just get bored too easily so for the past year and a half ive been a range of red shades and its currently fairly bright.. the brightest it’s ever been in fact and I LOVE IT. But, I fancied a slight change so I had a bright pink streak put in… now my stylist did warn me it’ll only last a couple of weeks till it returns to the orange bleach colour… but it did me proud and lasted just over a month…However, it has now gone back to the orange bleach colour…and my red box dye doesn’t seem to stick to it… but hey ho it doesn’t matter because I love the orange just as much as the Pink J

So that’s a little insight into my bright hair obsession and what made my eyes turn to the Kevin Murphy color bug. Now I watched a youtube tutorial on a girl applying the 3 different shades Pink, Purple and Orange to her hair and loved how it looked so I thought I HAVE to get this…and it promises bright results and totally wash out!! This product had my name written all over it so I bought the Pink color bug of Amazon for £13.

Now my hair is quite a deep red, and has dark tones so I didn’t think the Pink would stand out that much but boy it did as you can see in the picture below it’s the exact same color as the actual product….impressive.




- The colour is very bright
- Easy to apply you simply rub the colour bug against the strands of hair you want pink and the colour transfers straight away…the darker you want the colour to be the more you apply
- The product has a plastic case around it and comes with a plastic lid so you can store it away and use again
- Easy to wash off your hands and out of your hair

- I didn’t realise when watching the youtube video how powdery the product was,even though I used a towel to cover my clothes I had the excess all over me.
- Although when you apply the product its really bright it quickly fades as the powder comes off..even though I applied hairspray to make it stick I don’t think it made any difference It transferred onto the outfit I was wearing out doesn’t make a pretty sight if im honest.
- I wouldn’t repurchase, or use it again because its simply far too messy and ruins the clothes that you wear…id normally go for this bright haired look if I was going out somewhere and would be wearing new clothes I certainly wouldn’t want to get ruined. Perhaps best to leave it for a fancy dress night or Halloween even.

Well thank you for reading guys….till next time..

MissZirraH xoxo

Monday 30 January 2012

Valentines Day Special Edition GlossyBox...
There’s no denying that I was very happy about finally receiving this month’s GlossyBox after what felt like far too long. Usually I receive mine mid-month and was panicking as to why I hadn’t received it yet….perhaps an e-mail from GlossyBox explaining the delay might have eased the situation. In fact I was so annoyed I went on to cancel my subscription…but oh wait it’s not as easy as that as you’ll soon find out below.. anyway rant over!

So this GlossyBox was another special edition version and like the Christmas box it DID NOT disappoint in fact I was very pleased with every single product I received and its not very often that happens.  It was in aid of Valentine’s day and normally for all us Single pringles out there I would not have given it a second thought….but this box was really cute & instilled a bit of Valentine’s day cheer in me and i must commend GlossyBox on the super gorgeous PINK coloured box...along with pink fuzz inside and a little adorable loveheart sticker keeping the sugar paper in place...LOVED ITT!!

So what was inside??

1)     EYEKO – Skinny Eyeliner £9.50
2)     CLARINS – Extra firming day cream £48.00
3)     CLARINS – Extra firming night cream £48.00
4)     FAB – Gentle body wash £10.00
5)     MURAD – Hybrids skin perfecting primer (Dewy finish) £29.00


The first thing that really appealed to me about this was the shape of the product itself, the eyeliner looks very definitive and sharp! Now I’m a huge fan of eyeliners and know this will quickly become a part of my daily routine.

CLARINS- Extra firming day & night cream

I became quite a fan of clarins after going to a urban decay makeover where the girls gave me a free goodybag with Clarins samples in it, safe to say I used them all and loved how they made my skin feel. Now they were a little pricey for me to re-purchase so im sure you can understand my delight when I say they were in this month’s GlossyBox. They’re designed to infuse skin with firming benefits, and the night cream is an intensive renewal complex…sounds lush! Another addition to my daily face routine without a doubt…but will I repurchase at £48.00 is another thing… its really pricey for a day and night cream so unless it works miracles I doubt I will.. guess we’ll just have to wait and see.

Fab- Gentle body wash

So from reading the name of this product on the GlossyBox card I assumed it would be something for the shower but it is infact a body moisturiser for all skin types, and provides irritant-free cleansing and hydration. Now I have tried this and can’t say I liked the smell very much, it was very strong and not to my liking but I did like how well it moisturised my skin… so its deffo a buy if you can withstand strong smells.

Murad – Hybrids skin perfecting primer (Dewy finish)

My favourite product out of the whole box was this. I love primers and regularly use a MAC face primer, urban decay eyeshadow primer and MAC lip primer. I have tried this product and especially like how it gives your face a airbrushed blemish feel look… definitely contemplation a repurchase.

All in all I was very very pleased with this month’s GlossyBox before the Christmas edition I was starting to get bored but these two boxes have really turned it round.. I wasn’t impressed with the delay in sending it out however but can forgive GlossyBox seen as they impressed me so much. But, so you know I did attempt to cancel my subscription and found it very difficult! On the website its easy to find where to cancel the subscription – but you have to confirm like three times on the site if you want to cancel and at each stage GlossyBox convinces you to stay.. you then fill in a questionnaire as to why you’re leaving…and that isn’t the end of it to officially cancel the subscription they send you a e-mail which you have to press a link…only to be told the cancellation has failed. I’ve included screen shot so you can see what I mean. So I guess im sticking with it abit longer….not sure if it’s really my choice but hay-ho le lets hope next month’s is just as amazing.

Well thank you for reading guys….till next time..

Miss ZirraH xoxo
Been a little quiet…


Hi everyone… I’ve seriously neglected my blog these past few weeks because I was struggling to get the template right and well after giving up and then deciding to give it another go I’m happy with how it is now so I’m back and my posts will now be more regular!!

How my diet went?

So I just want to wrap up the diet posts below with an overall conclusion on how it went, sorry I didn’t update regularly as I originally anticipated life in general just got a little too busy BUT I did continue with the Special K diet but for only a week in which I lost a successful 3lbs. I was really impressed with my new flatter stomach and didn’t want to continue with the diet with the worry that I might lose more than I want.

I would definitely recommend this diet to all if you want to lose a little weight fit into some new jeans perhaps. Long term it isn’t very good because just eating cereal well there’s not a lot of nutrients in that and I did miss my normal foods a lot….and well I was really glad to see the back of it..Good Luck to anyone who tries it and let me know how you get on!!

What is there to come?

So to come soon I will review the January glossybox when it eventually arrives in the post (I’ll save that rant for that blog post)… Also I will be looking to start reviewing a number of products I’ve used…update you on my new list of fave music and anything else that comes to mind.

Well thank you for reading guys….till next time..

MissZirraH xoxo

Saturday 7 January 2012

Special K Diet – Day 3

How my day went?

Hello readers.. Just a quick post to keep you updated on my diet.. Well today was sumwhat more of a challenge sadly.. At time i actually felt like i was fasting (which is never a good thing to do to lose a few pounds its too unhealthy). I was once again workbound from 8-5 so had my morning bowl of special K at 7:30am.. i then felt peckish around 11am and ate a apple and banana.. I went for lunch at 2pm and like yesterday had my special k cereal bar with a muller yoghurt and a apple. When i got home i was really hungry but decided to refrain from eating anything because it was too soon to have my final bowl of Special K.. i then thought i need to add abit more to my daily diet to avoid me going hungry so i off i nipped to my local Sainsburys again.

This time i picked up a packet of Special K mini breaks:
Also, Fat free Activia yoghurt's:

And a few more gallons of fat free red top milk (it looks really watered down but tastes exactly the same). I came home, and at 6 had a packet of the mini-breaks which kept me satisfied till 7:30pm where i had my final bowl of special k and a tub of Activia and has kept me full all evening. I also refused a very large slice of chocolate cake & chips when i went round to a relatives earlier... Even though today was challenging i'm determined to stick too it.

I've also done my 30mins exercise for today... and actually feel much more healthier and perhaps even a little lighter on my feet.. or maybe that's just me wishful thinking lol.

Stood on the scales and i remain at 8st 1lb.. which is fine for now

Remember to keep visiting my blog if you want to keep up with how im getting on xx

Love MissZiraH XoXo

Friday 6 January 2012

Special K Diet – Day 2

Hi readers .. Well today is Day 2 of my diet and well I’ve made it through the day to say the least & still very determined to continue. I’ve been at work from 11-8 today and am very used to sitting and snacking on chocolates and crisps throughout the day, with a subway for lunch, and then on an evening a large plate of fish & chips. Well not today.

Instead I had my bowl of Special K for breakfast, followed by a tangerine and banana to snack on before lunch. For lunch I had my Special K cereal bar, and low in fat muller yoghurt and then as a snack an Apple, finally ending my day with another bowl of Special K and a 30min run on my running machine.

So how has it been?

Well in all honesty I am craving my usual high in fat foods that I’m used to, but I’ve not been hungry and I must admit the 2 bowls of Special K when I do eat them are very filling. So all in all I’m happy with how today went. It’s also nice to not feel bloated after indulging in a plate of chips or heavy foods. However, I have come to realise that the biggest downside to dieting is probably the fact that everyone insists on telling me “Why?? .. You don’t need to diet..” Well not only is it none of your business!!.. but also a girl can make a decision to diet without feeling like everyone's going to judge you for being insecure. That's not what it is at all, in fact im not the least bit insecure i would just  prefer to be a comfy size 8. Thats all... and rant over.

After standing on the scales it has actually gone down to – 8st 1lbs, I wasn’t expecting any weight loss after only one day.. i didn't even think it possible to lose a 1lb after 2 days lets hope the trend continues.. I'll keep you posted!

Love MissZirraH XoXo

Thursday 5 January 2012

Twenty-Twelve Resolution 1


Hi guys, I thought I would keep you all updated on how I’m getting on with my New Years resolutions. So im hoping 2012 will be an exciting year for me but over the winter months I’ve sadly piled on a few of unwanted pounds which was inevitable what with how I don’t walk anywhere because its so cold, the easiest option at uni is to just nip to the bar and order chips, and when im home well pig out on everything and anything.

Now, don’t get me wrong theres nothing BAD about being a size 10, however I’ve always been in single figures and plan on keeping it that way. I do envy curvy girls who can use them to their advantage but I’ve never been one nor do I want to start now.

So after contemplating should I start a gym, starve (not wise I know), I came across a Special K advert and thought hmm lose “3-6lbs in 2 weeks” that seems ideal for me as it’ll mean I’ll go back to being a comfortable size 8, and as I’m currently weighing in at 8st2lbs it’ll put me back under 8st which is where I want to be. So I did some research and it’s scientifically proven etc etc and two weeks how hard can it be?
So todays DAY 1, and well I nipped to my local Sainsbury’s and purchased the following:

·         Two boxes of Special K oats and Honey:

·         2 boxes of Special K double milk chocolate bars:

Muller light yoghurts:

·         2 mini-cartons of Red top fat free milk
·         1 Carton of fresh orange juice
·         Lots of fruit

Now this doesn't seem like an awful lot, but obviously once if it finishes within the two weeks I can always pop out and top up. Now the whole idea is CUT OUT FAT! Which is exactly what I intend to do – after munching on a huge KFC yesterday with the girls I felt soo guilty and that is really why the diet is in full flow motion today.

So this is my Diet plan for now:

Breakfast: Bowl of Special K

Snack: Fruits/plenty of water and diluted drinks

Lunch: Special K cereal bar, Muller light yoghurt

Snack: Fruits/plenty of water and diluted drinks

Evening meal: Bowl of Special K

30mins of exercise a day (government recommended)

Now it’s completely fat free – or as close as I could get it to fat free because I’m deadly serious about losing the lbs. I think as the days go on I will move my evening bowl of special K to lunch and make a conscious effort to drum up a healthy evening meal, but as I’m not very good at cooking and the only time I ever do cook anything its heavily dripped in oil I’m going to stick to this.

So how has Day 1 been?

Well I had a total lazy day and didn’t wake up till 1pm I then had a bowl of the normal cornflakes as I hadn’t been to Sainsbury’s as of yet, I was surprisingly not hungry till 5:30pm when I decided to pluck up the courage to go out into the stormy weather and pick up my goodies. I then ate a special K bar on my return home as I was starving marvin.. this kept me somewhat full till 7pm and then I was ready for my first bowl of special K oats and honey, I was dreading the fat free red top milk more than anything but the combination tasted pretty nice :D .. I then finished with a tub of toffee flavoured muller light yogurt, and in between snacked on Apple and Ki-Wi slices. I am also going to try my best to eat and be done by 7:30pm at the latest as I read somewhere you need to allow time for your stomach to digest the food. I am feeling a bit peckish now but going to refrain from eating anything and look forward to my bowl of Special K in the morning J ..

Anyhoo I’ll do my best to keep my blog updated on the 14 day Diet and how I’m getting on even if it’s just a quick post.  I’ve never really dieted before so I’m dead excited to see whether it works or not… at least I hope it does as I have a pair of the most PERFECT Spring skinny jeans which are a size 8 and a little too much on the tight side atm (although I can get them on and zipped up with a little struggle) ..which have my name written all over them and are the BEST motivators for me to stick to the diet J

Love MissZirraH XoXo